The Nomads

 While the Association seeks to cater for members of the gay community, it also welcomes those from the lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities and anyone who shares its objectives of tolerance and acceptance.
Members come from Melbourne, country Victoria and the other states of Australia. The Nomads is based in Melbourne, Australia and has been in operation since the summer of 1981-1982. 

The activities of The Nomads cover a broad spectrum, with a strong outdoor influence. Examples include:

  • Day walks through locations in Melbourne and country Victoria
  • Bushwalking ranging from day walks to overnight back-pack to one or more weeks
  • Base camping
  • Bike rides over a single day or a weekend
  • Cross country skiing and snow camping
  • Indoor Rock-Climbing
  • Canoeing, kayaking and white water rafting
  • Day and weekend naturist events
  • Cultural activities including movie nights, theatre and musicals
  • Social activities such as restaurant nights, Christmas parties and beachside barbecues


Events: To see the program of events in the coming weeks, please click on Events

Cycling: A small group of Nomads and friends go cycling virtually every Friday on tracks and trails around metro Melbourne, and occasionally into Regional Victoria. Emphasis is on the social aspect, not on breaking world speed records! For the upcoming route each week, see Upcoming Friday Bike Ride, where details are posted on Wednesday evening. If you'd like to join the group but aren't sure if your bike fitness level will match, email to plan your first foray. See Cycling Tips for a few matters worth considering.

Risk Management: We grade our activities to indicate the level of difficulty and/or effort involved in them. There may be some special equipment required. All outdoor activities have some degree of risk attached to them, but The Nomads is committed to managing and minimising those risks. The Nomads trains Leaders to identify and analyse potential risks and to plan and conduct activities to minimise them.

Membership: Membership for The Nomads is paid on an annual basis. For more information about becoming a Member, please refer to Membership Info. The Nomads produces four Newsletters a year, with each newsletter covering a four month period. The four months allow for forward planning, and correspond approximately to the seasons. 

Committee: The following committee members were elected in May 2024 to serve for the 2023-24 year:

Nomads ABN: 38 148 669 863


  • FAQs: answers to some frequently asked questions.
  • Nomads on Meetup: we actively maintain a Nomads Meetup group to help publicise Nomads activities to non members.
  • Nomads on Facebook: we also maintain a Facebook presence, though our Facebook group isn't terribly active.
  • Vial-of-Life-form.pdf: the Vial of Life (aka Vial of Lifesaving Information for Emergencies) is a program that allows individuals to have important medical information on hand for emergency personnel to reference during an emergency. We suggest you download a copy, fill in the details and carry it with you on Nomads activities.
  • Planning Links: some useful realtime reference sources.
  • History-of-the-nomads.pdf: early history of The Nomads.
  • Allied Groups: information about other like-minded community groups.